ForeverLawn Northern Ohio Featured in Turf Magazine – PA

ForeverLawn Northern Ohio is the subject of the article “Going to the Dogs” in the March 2012 issue of Turf Magazine. The article discusses the state of the synthetic turf industry, and profiles Steve Sochacki, owner and operator of ForeverLawn Northern Ohio, which is located in Parma, Ohio, and services the Cleveland metro area and northern Ohio.
Turf Magazine editor Ron Hall details different uses of artificial turf, including residential and commercial landscaping and lawns, safety-rated playgrounds, rooftop applications, and also dog runs and kennels.
The ForeverLawn® synthetic grass products discussed in the article include ForeverLawn Landscape™, K9Grass®, Playground Grass™, SportsGrass®, SplashGrass™, and GolfGreens®. These unique synthetic turf products by ForeverLawn have been specifically engineered to provide solutions for each individual application.
To learn more about synthetic grass options available in Northern Ohio, or about ForeverLawn products and services worldwide, explore the ForeverLawn website or contact a ForeverLawn dealer near you.
To read the article “Going to the Dogs” in the March 2012 issue of Turf Magazine, click here to visit the publication’s website.