7. What Are You Willing to Give Up in Order to Advance Forward?
What would you give up to move forward?
Last week, Dale and Brian shared the importance of getting uncomfortable. Join this week as they take that idea further and expound on the life they and their families left behind.
As the holiday season hit, the Karmie Brothers found houses and moved their wives and kids out west. While they were excited about the adventure ahead, it didn’t come without sacrifice such as a major shift in lifestyle, income, and more.
When looking through the lens of an outsider, it would be easy to make a snap judgment and wonder why Dale and Brian downgraded their lifestyles. But for these two families, this sacrifice came without question. They had a bigger vision in mind–and to get there, they had to take a step back to eventually advance forward.
Is there something you’re holding on to that might be holding you back?
As you listen to this week’s episode, keep this question in the forefront of your mind. Get honest with yourself, and get ready to make the changes needed for a life of Impact Without Limits.

Episode Highlights:
- Angie and Lorie’s first visit to New Mexico.
- Getting a house and getting settled in New Mexico with family.
- The importance of viewing situations through a positive lens.
- What often holds people back from success.
Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on ForeverLawn: