March Special Feature Part 1: The Power of Unwavering Belief with Angie and Lorie Karmie
A note from Dale and Brian:
This month we’re kicking off a new series of “Special Features,” which will include everything from special guests to live Q&As with studio audiences. We appreciate all of your support since our podcast has launched and want to dedicate one episode per month that speaks directly to audience requests and interests beyond our own story.
To kick off this new series, we’re having on one of our most frequently requested guests: our wives, Lorie and Angie Karmie. If you find our episodes are rewarding, wait until you hear from these two—their wisdom and perspective will make you think, and the stories they share are sure to make you laugh as well.
Thank you again for being part of this journey. We hope you enjoy hearing insights from our guests in these upcoming months as much as we have.
Get ready and get inspired to live a life where impact has no limits.
Dale and Brian
How do you support someone chasing a big adventure?
This week, Dale and Brian kick off their new special features–a series filled with fresh perspectives and even more entertaining stories.
Today, hear the true behind-the-scenes magic, Angie and Lorie Karmie, as they share their view of the ForeverLawn journey. They may not have been the ones running the business, but they were undoubtedly holding down the forts so Brian and Dale could continue chasing their crazy turf adventure.
Not only are Angie and Lorie their husband’s biggest cheerleaders, but their unwavering belief in Dale and Brian continues even into the darkest moments. Evidence shines through their humility that ForeverLawn would not be where it is today without these two.
The inspiring story of these two strong women raises compelling questions about who we surround ourselves with. Do you have this type of support in your life? Are you this support to someone else?
As you listen today, we hope you’ll leave feeling encouraged. Whether you’re the running man, or the support and sounding board, your role is essential.
Today is an episode you will not want to miss–so good, we had to break it into two. Stay tuned for part two later this week.
Look below to see what questions Angie and Lorie answered in part 1 of their session.
You just might find your question below!

Episode Highlights:
- What Angie and Lorie thought when the guys came to them with the idea of fake grass.
- The importance of leaning in when God calls you to something.
- The story of Angie and the septic tank.
- The importance of finding joy in the journey.
You Asked, They Answered:
- Were there ever moments where you doubted your choice to pursue this business?
- What would you say to someone struggling to have faith in their spouse chasing an adventure?
- What is the most challenging memory from the business journey, and how did you push forward through it?
Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on ForeverLawn: