35. Rejoice & Celebrate
Dale and Brian are back this week to continue where they left off—on the brink of a new trial. The brothers share the emotional journey leading up to the trial, including unexpected delays, stress, and moments of divine reassurance. You’ll hear about a pivotal weekend where, amidst preparing for legal battles in California, good news started flowing in, bringing a sense of hope.
Join Dale and Brian as they recount the trip to California, the tension in the war room, and the shocking, joyful moment when their attorney revealed the case of summary judgment had been won. Through it all, they felt God’s hand at work and stayed anchored by their faith.
Tune in for a story of faith, answered prayers, and how a victory in court led to a celebration like no other—both in California and back home with family and friends. You won’t want to miss this inspiring episode!

Episode Highlights:
- Projects are starting to roll in.
- Leaning on faith.
- Memorable moments.
- Rejoice & celebrate!
- What do you do when you win? Buy property.
Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on ForeverLawn:
- www.foreverlawn.com
- Impact Without Limits Instagram: @impact_withoutlimits
- ForeverLawn’s Instagram: @foreverlawninc
- Dale’s Instagram: @dalekarmie
- Brian’s Instagram: @bkarmie
- Get Grass Without Limits Here
- Visit our show notes page HERE
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This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.