3. Hurdles, Not Roadblocks
Has a hurdle ever stopped you from running full stride?
This week, Dale and Brian continue sharing their journey in pursuing an unlikely “what if.” What starts as a trip to a potential business location quickly becomes a pivotal moment as they determine Albuquerque will be the geographical launching pad for their business.
While this trip felt like the answer to a huge question, it was not without trials. From bank rejections to lack of funds, it would have been easy to throw in the towel. But the bigger “why” kept pushing them forward.
It’s natural to want to give up when you get knocked down. But it’s often on the other side of trials we find victory, on the other side of rejection we find resolve, and on the other side of vision we craft our own reality.
Do hurdles block you from running? Or do you find a way to move forward?
Welcome back to Impact without Limits.

Episode Highlights:
- The venture to Albuquerque.
- The meeting with Robert.
- The journey to get funded (or rejected).
- Encouragement on how to overcome life’s hurdles.
Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on ForeverLawn: