24. Expand Your Vision – The Montaño Private School
Have you ever bought a Rhino?
In case you’re wondering – we’re referring to a Yamaha Rhino, not a live one. One that, in the fall of 2006, the Karmie brothers hadn’t yet purchased… But they soon would after a large project.
In this week’s episode, Dale and Brian are sharing about a time when ForeverLawn was tasked with their largest project in Albuquerque at that point. This project included 27,000 square feet of turf for a school.
The brothers and their crew ran into some twists and turns along the way, so this episode is packed with some fun stories. Ultimately, the project was a success and is still considered one of the most impactful projects in ForeverLawn history.
Dale and Brian share some laughs as they recount some of the memories from this project, but that doesn’t take away from the impactful lessons they learned along the way and share with us today.
The further you go, the further you see. And the further you see, the further you can go.

Episode Highlights:
- The purchase of a Rhino UTV.
- The restoration of Big Blue.
- A school wanted 27,000 sq ft of turf.
- This was the largest job, at this point, in Albuquerque.
- The ‘Friends of Montaño’ Program.
- Uncovering some challenges during the installation.
- Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone?
Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on ForeverLawn:
- www.foreverlawn.com
- Impact Without Limits Instagram: @impact_withoutlimits
- ForeverLawn’s Instagram: @foreverlawninc
- Dale’s Instagram: @dalekarmie
- Brian’s Instagram: @bkarmie
- Get Grass Without Limits Here
- Visit our show notes page HERE
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This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.