Special Feature: Books & Individuals that Have Impacted Our Lives

In today’s episode, Dale & Brian share some of the most influential people and resources they’ve discovered on their continual growth and improvement journeys. The saying is true that the best version of you is still out there. There is always room for growth and improvement in our lives.

In the quest for personal growth and improvement, surrounding ourselves with influential resources and individuals is of paramount importance. They can serve as a wellspring of inspiration, knowledge, and guidance, propelling us toward reaching our full potential. 

You can fuel your growth and gain valuable insights by actively seeking out and embracing these influential sources. Remember, the journey of growth is enriched when we connect with those who inspire us and support our pursuit of excellence.

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors, there is safety. Proverbs 11:14

The best version of YOU is still out there. If you haven’t found it yet, chase it.

Follow the link below to get your FREE Personal Development PDF. 

Episode Highlights: 

  • A background on Dale and Brian’s early years and their exposure to personal development.
  • People who have positively impacted Dale and Brian.
  • Books that have inspired growth in Dale and Brian.
  • A multitude of influences vs. a singular mentor.
  • Different people have different strengths.
  • Peer-to-peer accountability.
  • Who are you pouring into?
  • We all have the opportunity to grow & improve.
  • Be discerning in what you take in.
  • Using the Bible as a filter.

Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on ForeverLawn: