34. An Incentive For Success: The First ForeverLawn Achievers’ Trip

What are you looking forward to?

Sometimes, having a tangible reward in place when goal setting is the extra incentive we need to press on in times of adversity. This is what Dale and Brian had in mind when they began crafting the first ForeverLawn Achievers’ Trip. 

In this episode, the brothers take us on a journey through the inaugural Achievers’ trip ForeverLawn had back in 2007. From having the ‘Couple’s Olympics’ to going on a sketchy zipline, this trip was nothing short of eventful. You’ll surely enjoy some laughs as they recount some of the more interesting experiences they had on the trip.

Almost 17 years later, the annual Achievers’ Trip lives on and stands as a tangible reward for dealers to strive towards throughout the year. While the trip itself is a blast, Dale and Brian agree that the comradery and relationships that are forged and strengthened every year are the best part.

Tune in and take some nuggets of wisdom along the way. Let’s make 2024 the best year yet!

Episode Highlights: 

  • Setting goals for our dealers.
  • Tangible goals set people up for tangible success.
  • The first Achievers Trip t-shirts.
  • Getting recognized on the cruise ship.
  • Bringing back the High 5.
  • The doppelganger waiter.
  • Breaking all the rules on the jet skis.
  • Setting yourself up for success in the new year.
  • Takeaways from the episode.

Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on ForeverLawn:

This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.