12. Action Fuels Belief
Which comes first — your behavior or belief?
If you’ve tuned in to our show before, you’ve probably heard us speak on how you sometimes have to “talk the talk” while still learning to “walk the walk.” Today we’re reflecting on an early part of our journey when our “talk” started to propel our “walk.”
At the time, we began speaking to potential dealers but we weren’t well known in the industry. We were just two guys with a small warehouse. But we knew we had a quality, innovative product, and with time we would be the best in the industry. We’ve kept this posture throughout our journey and it has helped ForeverLawn grow into the company that it is today.
You have to have belief to take action, and often that action will propel further belief to help achieve success. Listen in as we reflect on how our first steps helped shape the business as it stands today.

Episode Highlights:
- What comes first?
- Act As If
- Action fuels belief
- Helping others see the bigger picture
Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on ForeverLawn: